High-quality remanufactured diesel turbo for Cummins HE431VE/HE400VG with new calibrated actuator
Cross reference: 4047052, 4047235, 2842353, 3774333, 3778794, 3795656, 5354648, 4046904, 2835720, 2835201, 2835723, 2836545, 2839575, 2842352, 3774334, 3778795, 3795657, 3795639, 3795630, 5455956
Condition: Remanufactured
Core deposit: $600.00 each turbocharger
Cores must be returned in 45 days in order to collect full core credit. For more information about the core/return policy, please
click here.
Warranty: Twelve (12) months. Check our
Warranty policy
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